I just wanted to bring you all an update about my #minecraft game play. Its been about 4 months since my last YouTube video of me doing some game play. This time I just wanted to explain somethings with screenshots and point out things in the screens that I have learned from the Master of Mods #Direwolf20 of #YouTube and #ForgeCraft. Thanks to Him I am now a pretty good mod user and how to mix the mods into my style of game play and what I want out of #minecraft.
First Screenshot: its showing what I learnt from Dire mixing mods with Vanilla = Awesomeness
Thank You #DireWolf20 for showing me how to do Brewing the fun way! |
Second - fourth Screenshots: Shows off my "CPU" and Workshop area.
CPU Under the Floor with Chest to feed the Patterns |
First Floor of Workshop This is my ore processing and other things |
Top Floor of the WorkShop has my machines that make other machines |
The Last 2 Screenshots: Mob Farming on mass scale!
My Mob Farms with in an Underground Bunker^^ |
Main Mob farm that does pigzombie/Enderman/Witch/Blaze/Twitlight Forest Bighorned Sheep (multicolors) |
The Last Sceenshot is me @ my humble room in my house in the Fair City of EmpireCity^^
me @ my humble room in my house in the Fair City of EmpireCity^^ |
I almost Forgot something Important I use mcpc+ server which is Bukkit/Spigot/Forge married together well I have some bukkit plugins and on is MeltDown which converts items back into their base form like gold swords into gold ingots and so on.. The screen below is of that setup automated thanks to AE Computing!
Furnaces for the bukkit plugin "meltDown" very useful tool |
This one is of my Tesseracs That I use for my farms sending back the Sapplings or items back into the farm planter
Tesseracs for shipping back Sapplings and other items to the Farm Planter |